Photos – the Party!

Great time had by all!  (Stay tuned … Val offered to get the 55 year reunion started — that’s just two years away.  Orlando! or somewhere in Florida – destination – fun!  5 years now — we are getting older lol … we have to start doing 5 year reunions and eventually 1 year?  (If I get more photos sent to me I will add them.)      If you click on any individual photo it will enlarge it to full screen.

To kick it off … a video of a couple of the gals dancing – kickline – and EVERYONE singing New York, New York!  You will have to click on the link below!   oh no … I clicked on it from the website and it doesn’t give the sound when uploaded – which is a fun part hearing everyone sing NY NY

Video girls NY NY 

These photos are not in any special order mostly by name — refer to the tab with the group photo and the “pencil” photo identifying with names.

Your Reunion Committee:  Carol, Annette, Frank, Peg, Susan, Valerie (and a photo of me introducing our wonderful Banquet Manager who has seen us through all the changes, cancellations, etc – Sabrina)


Group photo with Spike and also one with spouses — see the Group Photo tab with classmates and pencil photo with names.

To see all the Reunion photos, click on the tabs from the header — Group Photo w/Names; Photos – the Party!; Photos Decorations; Photos Friday Jake’s 58

And don’t forget to click on the other tabs Welcome – Booklet tab; our Commencement / Graduation Program; Sr Directory-Activities Yrbk; and misc photos – Photos from Yearbooks